VJ Org Chart is installed using standard Joomla! installation procedure in Joomla! back-end: Extensions -> Extension Manager -> Upload Package File.
List of org charts
To view org charts go to Components -> VJ Org Chart -> Charts. The view displays available charts, it's possible to create new chart, remove or edit existing charts.
Add/edit chart
By clicking New button admin will be taken to the page to add new chart.If org chart is published it can be displayed on front-end.
Open description in a lightbox popup specifies where to open description in a lightbox popup on item click or show description directly in a node.
Access specifies who can view the chart on front-end. Public - everyone. Registered - only logged in users. Special - users with special access rights like administrator.
Renderer specifies the layout renderer for the chart. Renderers display org charts in different ways.
List of items
To view items go to Components -> VJ Org Chart -> Items. The view displays available items, it's possible to create, edit, delete items.
Add/edit item
Parent item indicates the parent node for this item. It's posible to indicate more than one parent node for item (this is true for Plumb renderer).
Org chart view on front-end